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Downview Primary School

At Downview School we grow and learn together every day

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Friends of Downview

We are a warm and friendly group of parents and carers who meet regularly to plan events for the children and parents of our school to enjoy. Last year we raised £27,500 through our fundraising which included: Spring Fair, Film Nights, Discos, Quiz Night, Sports Day Snacks, Pocket Money Sale, Treat Friday, Christmas card and tea towel Designing, Elfridges (our Christmas Market for the children) and cake sales to name but a few!

We supported school visit costs through our grant funding initiatives and helped to subsidise the cost of vistors to the school such as Rainbow Theatre and the Reptylers. We also provided events to celebrate Wonderful Women and Marvellous Men which were free for all of our children to join in. We provided Wet Play and Playground equipment for the children. 

We would be very grateful for your help, please contact us (details below) if you can spare a little time at events or can help in planning events, or both!