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Downview Primary School

At Downview School we grow and learn together every day

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Year 3

Welcome to the Downview Primary School Year 3 Class page...

Keep visiting this page to find out what we are currently doing in Class and pictures of any activities we are involved in. We like to keep you updated with our wonderful learning journeys and share any incredible work that is going on. 


Please feel free to meet the team and read all about life in year 3 in the 'Meet the team' folder below. 



Homework will be given via parentmail once every half term and can also be found down below. These will include the spellings that the children are currently learning and activities related to our current topics.

We always encourage reading and practising timetables throughout the year. All children have TimesTables Rockstar passwords that they can use at home.

If you would like a paper copy then please let your class teacher know.

Current homework:

The cautionary tales of year 3!

Van Gogh's 'sunflowers'

Top tips to support maths at home