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Downview Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to the Downview Primary School Year 3 year group page...

Keep visiting this page to find out what we are currently doing in class and any exciting activities we are involved in. We like to keep you updated with our wonderful learning journeys and share any incredible work that is going on where we can!




Reading - Please continue to read for 15 minutes 5 times a week.

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) - Please continue to practise for 5-10 minutes 5 times a week.

Spelling - Please practise reading and spelling of the words given in the Homework and Spellings overview each week. The weekly spellings will be stuck into the yellow reading journal, so please practise these at least 3-4 times a week in preparation for our 'Spelling Quiz' each Friday. This will help us see which spellings have stuck and which we need more practise on. 

Top tips to support maths at home

Parent Meetings

Year 3 Christingle at St Mary's church